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TheBonnetJunkie was branded in Marietta,Ga; Created by Aundria Barnes. Here is a breakdown of the meaning behind the colors used in our logo.
Fuchsia - the color fuchsia inspires confidence, assurance and maturity
Yellow - yellow is considered to be a happy color . This color also symbolizes hope and positivity
Black - black is associated with power, strength and authority.
I'm the CEO & Founder of Thebonnetjunkie; I was born and raised in the peach state (GA) . At the age of 22 I was called onto my entrepreneurial journey. Finding the perfect niche I enjoyed doing was my main concern. After much prayer, the idea of bonnets rained heavy on my heart. Initially , my first idea panned out to need extensive laboratory connection that I didn't have at the time. Due to my tenacious personality, I didn't stop there; I felt inclined to push forward . I decided to focus on making beautiful quality satin bonnets. I instantly did the research necessary and started on my craft. My bonnets are handmade with quality Charmeuse satin with a sprinkle of TLC. I'm very grateful to have found this hobby, as it gives me ways to exercise my creativity & my gift. I'm honored to provide quality handmade products to my customers.
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